Re: [Tracker] Localization support for tracker

Le jeudi 09 novembre 2006 Ã 22:43 +0100, Luca Ferretti a Ãcrit :
Il giorno gio, 09/11/2006 alle 20.47 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche ha
Le jeudi 09 novembre 2006 Ã 18:14 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche a Ãcrit :
Le jeudi 09 novembre 2006 Ã 10:24 +0100, Luca Ferretti a Ãcrit :
Il giorno gio, 09/11/2006 alle 00.23 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche ha

And a new patch... was using a wrong macro to get TRACKER_LOCALEDIR correctly
defined. (AM_GLIB_DEFINE_LOCALEDIR does not work on my system)

AM_GLIB_DEFINE_LOCALEDIR is a macro provided by glib-gettext.m4 (GTK+
glib, not GNU libc) from version 2.1.4.

Maybe you are missing some package (libglib-devel) or you are
experiencing this bug [1] with latest autoconf.

I use autoconf 2.60a and I have this macro defined in glib-gettext.m4,
so I probably have this bug.

About the autoconf bug: maybe we should request a specific autoconf
version, not use a custom defined macro. Jamie?

Perhaps in future we should use specific autoconf versions but currently
why do not we stay with my small hack? Programs which do not use Glib
probably have it.

src/libtracker/tracker-search was missing an include of locale.h. I also

Well, following *.h in my system, I've: 

  gi10n.h -> /usr/include/libintl.h -> /usr/include/locale.h

What on your system?

setlocale() is a POSIX call, so we have to use the standard way to use
it: "#include <locale.h>".
If you find a wrapper for this function in Glib, we could remove it.

moved "setlocale(LC_ALL, "")" just upon calls

        bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
        textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

I think it does not change how *textdomain* functions work but it is
more clear to me.

Yeah, you could be right. LC_ALL includes LC_MESSAGGES, so it's better
call it before.

Let me investigate other modules.

(and I include again my file fr.po)

Sorry I forgot the `cvs add`. Now is on cvs (with a couple of fixes).


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