Re: [Tracker] Localization support for tracker

Laurent Aguerreche wrote:
Le jeudi 09 novembre 2006 Ã 18:14 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche a Ãcrit :
Le jeudi 09 novembre 2006 Ã 10:24 +0100, Luca Ferretti a Ãcrit :
Il giorno gio, 09/11/2006 alle 00.23 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche ha
Le mercredi 08 novembre 2006 Ã 20:25 +0100, Luca Ferretti a Ãcrit :
Il giorno mer, 08/11/2006 alle 19.40 +0100, Laurent Aguerreche ha

multi-po is discouraged by GNOME l10n guidelines. And it's a mess to
manage in a proper way.

We can:
     A. add a 'tracker-data' package that could pack MO files and maybe
        in future stuff like icons, GConf schema files, glade files, gtk
        + XML menu definition files... (see nautilus-data in Ubuntu)
     B. put MO files in 'tracker' package (needed by 'tracker-utils' and
I prefer the solution A to have a package which only contains
platform-independent files.
Open another thread?
When I would have a deb package...

I made a translation for french... and it simply does not work :-D
But translations are probably right so they should be added.
It seems that my patch removed the setlocale(LC_ALL, "") call. I readded
this to cvs. Now tracker-search should work.

I'm rebuilding from scratch my jhbuild sandbox, so by now I can test
tracker-search-tool. The setlocale here is missing, but maybe it's not
needed (should/could be invoked by gnome_program_init ()).

Also I commited your French translation and the fix for intltool stuff
in make dist (but not the manual stuff, only the intltool) from your
fr.po is missing in CVS.

A question: how can I obtain a write access to CVS? I think I could
avoid to partially commit my patches. ;-)

So, to test if now it works:
      * update your cvs sandbox
      * rebuild starting from ./ (maybe not needed, but better
        to do) and install
      * check if tracker-search and tracker-search-tool are translated
        in Italian or French language

Please note that, if you are using Ubuntu, you have to install
"language-pack-it" and/or "language-pack-fr" to enable those locales if
you are using another locale. This is how Ubuntu works, other distros
should enable all locales by default.
Hum? Ubuntu needs language-pack-* just for locales?

(I use a Debian Unstable)

Moreover, if you are under Ubuntu Edgy, it seems that you have to use
the following line to invoke a different locale

        LANG=it_IT.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=it_IT tracker-search ....

(and similar for fr) instead of the simple

LANG=it LANGUAGE... that I suggested previously. On my system, I'm able to see the Italian
translation by default (I'm using the Italian locale as default, of
course) and the French translation when invoked with LANG and LANGUAGE
environment variables.

Cheers, Luca.

And a new patch... was using a wrong macro to get TRACKER_LOCALEDIR correctly
defined. (AM_GLIB_DEFINE_LOCALEDIR does not work on my system)

src/libtracker/tracker-search was missing an include of locale.h. I also
moved "setlocale(LC_ALL, "")" just upon calls

        bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, TRACKER_LOCALEDIR);
        bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
        textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);

I think it does not change how *textdomain* functions work but it is
more clear to me.

(and I include again my file fr.po)

apologies - I am currently suffering from a bout of flu so have been unavailable to review stuff as my head is going round in circles ):

Luca, as you have write access to CVS can you apply all the deb and international stuff please with Changelog entries (I dont understand any of it anyhow so Im not sure me looking at it will help)

Hopefully I will recover shortly...

Mr Jamie McCracken

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