Re: Using Tinymail for exposing a folder through DBUS

On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 17:20 +0100, Jo Vermeulen wrote:

> Just wondering, since there are Python GObject bindings, is it possible
> to implement this interface using Python? We are not very familiar with
> GObject, so that would be an easier way to do it :-)

Although I have tried this, and although you aren't the first to ask
this, and although I want to get this working a.s.a.p., no .. not yet.

Last time I tried there was a problem with the pygtk binding generator
that caused some discrepancies, rendering the resulting shared object
file (which is used by Python for the binding) to be useless.

I added James Doc. Livingston in CC. He's an expert when it comes to
GObject Python binding.

In any case ... it's a high priority to do item for tinymail (once I
fetch myself some time to take an in-depth look at the bindings again).

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