Re: Unit tests with check framework

On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 10:32 +0100, Sergio Villar Senin wrote:
> Sergio Villar Senin wrote:
> > If you need some help I can help you with this. We had here at Igalia
> > people working with such kind of tools in the BuildBrigade
> > ( and I personally set up a
> > continuous integration system with Mozilla Tinderbox with code coverage
> > (with gcov & lcov) integrated.
> I've been talking to a BuildBrigade member nicknamed dape (Jose Dapena
> is his actual name) about tinymail, unit tests and code coverage. He's a
> lot of experience in these topics due to he's maintaining a BuildBot
> that builds the whole GNOME repository. He told me that he'll join the
> list and that if you think that it's interesting he could set up and
> deploy a BuildBot for tinymail with all the coverage stuff.

It's interesting and Jose has my full cooperation on this. If things can
go into the repository (integrated with the build environment in an
optional way, as I don't want to make it a strict requirement for
building either), then those patches and changes are very welcome.

So please go ahead Jose :-)

Philip Van Hoof, software developer
home: me at pvanhoof dot be
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org

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