Re: Unit tests with check framework

That's very nice.

Once all the current unit tests are replaced like this, feel free to
commit the patch.

Or you can create a branch and work with other people on this? I would
only see the point of a branch of multiple people are interested,
however, in working on this.

ps. You don't need to keep the compatibility with GUnit. It's not a

On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 13:14 +0100, �stein Gisn�wrote:
> Philip earlier expressed his interest in using the Check unit test
> framework instead of GUnit. I've played around with it a bit and found
> that it has a few improvements over GUnit. The biggest surprise was
> that it can run in parallel with GUnit, although that is probably not
> a long-term solution.
> So if you want to try it out, apply the patch. I've only "converted"
> three test files, but you'll get the picture..
> Any opinions on whether GUnit should be replaced by Check? Philip, anyone?
> Do make 'check' in libtinymail-test to run the tests.
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