Re: [Shotwell] Thumbnails for videos

On 2017년 01월 26일 09:37, Jens Georg wrote:

purging gstreamer-vaapi doesn't seem to have any (positive or
negative) effects on my system or shotwell.

Can you run /usr/local/libexec/shotwell/shotwell-video-thumbnailer
/path/to/video > thumbnail.png --gst-debug *:2 ?

(Or whereever that executable is)

Hi Jens,
I get

0:00:00.062782341 26733 0xf88630 WARN basesrc gstbasesrc.c:3489:gst_base_src_start_complete:<filesrc0> pad not activated yet 0:00:00.138799574 26733 0x7f46a4060540 WARN qtdemux qtdemux.c:2651:qtdemux_parse_trex:<qtdemux0> failed to find fragment defaults for stream 1 0:00:00.138875639 26733 0x7f46a4060540 WARN qtdemux qtdemux.c:2651:qtdemux_parse_trex:<qtdemux0> failed to find fragment defaults for stream 2 0:00:00.138906632 26733 0x7f46a4060540 WARN basesrc gstbasesrc.c:2396:gst_base_src_update_length:<filesrc0> processing at or past EOS

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