Am 08.05.2011 16:41, schrieb Janek Kozicki:
Christopher Roy Bratusek said: (by the date of Sun, 08 May 2011 07:05:34 +0200)can you tell me how to checkout this branch? This will save me time trying to figure this out.git branch --track -b edge-actions-1.9 remotes/origin/edge-actions-1.9 git checkout master to return to HEADI will try to build a debian package with this branch, install it, and then restart sawfish. the packaing scripts in 1.8.1/1.8.90 are broken. I'll take some time next weekend to fix them, so you should do a manual install (which is so or so the same in the end, except for apt). It's been a long time, so no wonder I have some problems here :) $ git branch --track -b edge-actions-1.9 remotes/origin/edge-actions-1.9 fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount parent ) Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set). I guess I need to git clone first, from where? :) From the new repo: git:// See also: sorry for asking stupid questions.. :) Regards, Chris |