Re: Some kind of a roadmap to 1.8 (and beyond)

Thanks a lot, Chris. It must be tedious to make this list.

On Tue, 22 Feb 2011 21:16:23 +0100, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> - setting up some different bug-trackers

The pager's bugtracker at nanolx is ok, but I can't register at
tuxfamily's, as fuchur says. (And it requires cookie. it'd better if
it warns.)

> 04./05.03.:
> - release of Sawfish 1.8RC2

"Named tabgroup" change has to be tested too, so I think it's better
to include it, making an rc once and for all. If it's done twice, the
latter is likely to be tested less than the first one.

# BTW, RC1 was downloaded 24 times. When I saw the stat in January, it
# was 13 or so. Thanks to all who tested. (But git snapshot has
# advanced much further. :P)

My todos:
* hot-spot: accept lisp expression, too, in addition to a lisp func.
* Some doc.
* check the status of raisee-on-hover. I think it's better to put it
  in wm/ext/auto-raise together with new "raise-on-enter". 
  (I have not understood the last argument on it yet. Oh, is it
  removed? Discuss it in a seperate thread.)

If my work delays, you may want to implement:
* double exec prevention in jump-or-exec and hot-spot, using "pgrep".
  Even if pgrep is not available in your environment, it won't hurt
  since it's optional.

> - setting up simple project page on Tuxfamily webspace, providing the users
>   with all interessting links at once (Wiki, BugTracker, GIT, ML, etc etc.)

Yeah, it's important. Tuxfamily's Sawfish page is a dead end. I
remember you said it's auto generated and unconfigurable, but aren't
there something we can do?

> After release of Sawfish 1.8.0
> - begin collaboration with MM (Michal Maruška) so that SawfishMM is merged

This'll be the centeral work in 1.9. Finally!

> I really would like to hear your oppinions on this. As you can see, Sawfish 
> with GTK+3 will never make it in time (GTK+ 3.0.1 was releases yesterday).

Never mind, GTK3 delayed, too. Longhorn [deleted by MS censor.]
No, what's important is 99% of softwares are still using gtk2. No
reason to release now.

> rep-gtk is not dead. But I'm waiting on the final decision about REP before 
> speding my time on porting it to GTK+3


Teika (Teika kazura)
EU said "we accuse Libyan government violence." What a big fat hypocrite.

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