Re: ** to GIT source users ** Some incompatibility in "StyleTab"


On Tue, 22 Feb 2011 20:37:59 +0100
wrote Christopher Roy Bratusek <nano tuxfamily org>:

>As I'm sure you saw, I modifed the window-ops-menu to gray-out any options, 
>that is not permitted for a window, eg: "Resize" in the menu becomes 
>unclickable, when the window has fixed-size flag.
>So the menu is in sync now. What is not in sync are the themes. So now I 
>wonder, whether it would be a good idea, to have the themes respect the flags, 
>too and gray-out (or even better don't show those buttons) accordingly?

Remove a button by StyleTab that is difficult. If a event do a
"state-change-hook" so we can use a different button for the state
like the look button.


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