Re: Renaming 'grow, pack, shrink & yank'?

> Thinking aloud... why can't we divide the viewport into workspaces? So
> instead of each workspace expected to be at least as small as the
> viewport, why not have the ability to divide the screen into workspaces,
> and apply operations such as maximization/tiling/etc at workspace level?

And also allow workspace to overlap and have different sizes.

> --dmg
>  >> at least to one with a math background
>  Teika> Eh, math has nothing to do with WM. Otherwise, "kernel module" needs a
>  Teika> mapping and a ring, and "network topology" an open set system.
>  Teika> # Anyway only finite computers are connected.
>  Teika> Teika (Teika kazura)
> --
> --
> Daniel M. German
> dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
> replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .


Daniel M. German

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