Re: [SF] Questionnaire 4 on Sawfish usage

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 08:18:43PM +0200, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:

> 1) What operating-system are you using?
> 1.1) which architecture?


> 1.2) which OS and Distro?

Linux / Fedora 13

> 1.3) what machine are you using to run sawfish on?

Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5750 /
2GiB RAM / 160 GiB HDD

> 2) about wiki.
> 2.1) How often do you visit the wiki?

Seldom, once every few months or so.

> 2.2) Did you or do you plan on editing?


> 3) how did you found out that sawfish is alive again?

I think I was subscribed to the mailing list or I've searched
for activity some 1-2 times a year.


I started using SF at the time of Redhat 7-9 or so.  I had build
right away shortcuts using keyboard and mouse, for efficiency.
Then I had to stick to it since all I tried looked like an
efficiency penalty.  So I searched for or recompiled RPMs for
years, with few or no issues.

> 4) What do you think about the infrastructure?

No clue... :-)

> 5) Are you planning to contribute?

I may.  I'm kinda short on time and out of loop for Lisp and
UI, but at least I can bug report. :-)


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