Removing old cruft

Hi all,

So with removing libgnome/libgnomeui/libgnomecanvas/libglade from
rep-gtk and sawfish a whole bunch of old gnome-cruft has been removed.

The removal of those outdated, don't-use-them-anymore gnome-libraries is
called Project Ridley. Actually sawfish still uses two of those
libraries: esound and libaudiofile. 

So: what should we use instead? Raw Alsa, PulseAudio, x?

User: But I would like to keep using esound, PA doesn't make any beep on
my system T_T
Dev: ( define-special-variable play-sample-program "/usr/bin/esd" ),
sawfish will then use ESD, I'm just speaking of the built-in stuff.

so Vote on what to use for built-in audio-support


Another thingy is imlib1 ... I would like to move to imlib2. imlib1 is
unsupported for years, and imlib2 is much better, AFAIK.

any complaints? I guess not for the second one :)


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