Re: NEWS on 1.6.0


On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 20:02:13 +0200, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> Half of the time for Sawfish 1.6 has passed, so it's time for some news
> for those who didn't follow the HEAD.

Thanks a lot! Now you're accustomed to be our leader. In fact,
a *good* leader.

> * Reduced GNOME-Specific Code to the minimum

What is 'minimum'? (I don't know the previous status either since I
don't have Gnome.) Could you describe more on it? I can't do anything
on this item in news.texi.

> Feature Freeze begins on 6th December 2009 (~ 20 o'clock CEST).
> [...] Sawfish 1.6.0 will be released on 22nd December 2009

I don't know if I can polish the news.texi by the deadline. I may ask
longer period between freeze and release, when the time has come.
But let's wait and see.

> Have a lot of fun (and spread the word),

To Linus? :)
Teika (Teika kazura)

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