Re: [BUG] Edge-Flipping does not work after resolution change


On Sat, 23 May 2009 14:06:34 +0200, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
>> How can you change the resolution on the fly?
> gnome-display-properties

On Sun, 24 May 2009 03:27:09 +0600, "Alexey A. Smirnov" wrote:
> For example: $ xrandr -s 1024x768


I tried. The problem is not limited to edge-flipping, but all -
viewports, fullscreen, perhaps dock-like scripts too - ignore
resolution change.

Does resolution (screen size) change produce, uh, 'signal'? (I don't
know icccm/ewmh.)

Once the change is known to sawfish, edge-flip is easy to fix, but
others are a bit difficult.

For example, if infinite-desktop is used, then the notion of viewport
'coordinate', like (1, 2), doesn't make sense, but otherwise, we've
got to move each window to fit to the new viewport.

I think infinite-desktop needs rework and be integrated with
viewport.jl, but it will introduce incompatible change. (Only user
'custom' level, and no API.) Chris and I had a short talk on it 
a couple of months ago, but we haven't got time since then ;)
It may take some time, so I don't like to make it shipped in 1.5.0.

Teika (Teika kazura)

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