Re: Requirements in release

Christopher Roy Bratusek said:     (by the date of Tue, 7 Jul 2009 19:42:12 +0200)

> :/ sometimes I don't know if that is because you trust me that much, or
> if you are moving away from sawfish, just like Sven (and others) did.
> (Ehh, you is plural here, not you as in Teika)

I can feel myself fit in this category which is quite sad. It's just
because of my ordinary day work at the university. Writing papers
(like I have still 5 yet to be written, and I have to translate that
PhD thesis about base on Mars (just see on my hompage)).

And all that my daily work is made possible to be so fast and
efficient thanks to sawfish.

Currently I got degraded to lurker, but at least I'm watching what's
going on, and perhaps someday I'll do something useful for sawfish.
Don't ever lose hope :)

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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