Re: [IMPORTANT] Feature Freeze for 1.6.0

On Sat, 5 Dec 2009 12:10:04 +0100, Christopher Roy Bratusek wrote:
> Only until the 20th Dec afterwards *nothing* expect doc/po-updates
> or bugfixes will be applied.

We've got horiz / vert max'n regression, and focus-revert issue (I'm
not sure at all with the status of the latter; it's hard for me to
follow the thread of the argument ;), but will there be a postponement
of the release, or the date is hard-wired-iron-solid?

The problem is incricate, especially for the focus problem. We
shouldn't jump to a wrong conclusion in the "eleventh nanosecond".

One safe way is to fix the release date, and decide *now* not to 
incorporate the focus patch. Thus we can avoid the risk of taking
wrong solution. But this is obviously not recommendable - the 
quality is definitely lowered.

> ... Should I release a RC now? Or are you all patient enough to wait
> another 17 days?

It's better to have an RC (= release candidate, I suppose everyone
knows), and let them try. And if you do it, please attach a line,
'even a simple line, "I installed, and seems fine for 3 days" helps a

With best regards,
Teika (Teika kazura)

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