Re: how about releasing sawfish-pager 0.7 ?

Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz said:     (by the date of Sun, 27 Jan 2008 21:33:08 -0600)

> Since forceful takeovers are very much frowned upon in Debian,
> probably the best way to handle the package would be to make the
> community release and *then* ping him about it, offering my help in
> updating or in taking over if he prefers.

Of course, that's the right way to go. I got an answer from the
author. He is glad that sawfish-pager will live that way. So there
should be a release pretty soon.

If anyone here is using his own customised version of pager - send in
your patches. Everyone wants *your* improvements :)

Janek Kozicki                                                         |

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