Re: Solution for UTF-8 chars in the title bar?

On 16.01.2008 15:52, Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 02:14:31PM +0100, Andrea Vettorello wrote:
>> On Jan 16, 2008 11:27 AM, Peter Weilbacher <newsspam weilbacher org> wrote:
>> > Good to see that things get moving again. I don't speak lisp, either,
>> > so I can't really help with the programming. I just wanted to hear, if
>> > somebody knows a solution for displaying titles with UTF-8 chars with
>> > sawfish?
>> Sawfish can display windows title with UTF-8 chars, for example some
>> kanji or east european characters, sadly the window menu still seems
>> to have problems with titlebar with kanji on them (IIRC they appears
>> blank).

Not here. So it does display the title when you go here
with Firefox or SeaMonkey? Without patches?

>> > It's kind of annoying that every time I switch to a browser
>> > tab that contains a Bugzilla webpage, the title doesn't change at all.
>> > (If one of the patches listed on
>> > does this then that is not apparent to me from the description. Haven't
>> > had a chance to try them yet...)
> I wrote with these two
> problems in mind. It doesn't work perfectly yet, but it does solve (in
> my system) the problem of the window menu and some of the problems
> with titlebars. Please, if you can, give it a test, but be aware of
> the issues that were raised here on the list about it (url for the
> thread in the patch's page).

Don't understand the discussion in the quoted thread, but it seems to work
for me. At least Bugzilla titles now display and so far I didn't see any
other problems with that.


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