Re: display workspace when cycling...

dmg uvic ca (2008-08-05 at 0250.39 -0700):
>  Andrea> For "Display_worskpace_when_cycling", I'm not against this improvement
>  Andrea> but I don't like the patch in it's form as it adds another option,
>  Andrea> it's not well integrated with current options and it breaks one of the
>  Andrea> cycling modes (in a previous email I've attached a modified patch that
>  Andrea> fix it, but nothing else, if you exclude indentation style:
>  Andrea> ).
> any suggestions on how it can be better implemented? I don't really
> mind if it gets rejected (I am currently using it and I am happy to
> keep patching my code) but I presume others like me don't like to
> momentarily switch workspace when cycling as it gets
> annoying/disturbing.

Or it can be put on hold for a future release, when it is more
polished. No need of pushing all patches one way or the other for
every release.


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