Re: Many items showing up on PS3 but not XBox 360

The XBox 360 is
only showing a very small fraction of what appears on the PS3. I
been using Debian Stable but recently pulled v0.34.0.1-e969e from
and rebuilt from source--no difference in what appears. Any
for how to troubleshoot?

The XBox 360 is rather picky and quirky. Do you have the additional
media package for xbox 360 installed?

I'm not sure -- are you talking about a media package for the Xbox
device itself, or is this a plugin/package for rygel? I am just
the system video player on the Xbox 360.

That's for the XBox 360. Are you able to play .mp4 files from an USB
stick? If so, it is installed.

Can you spot a generic pattern of what is missing?

I don't see any pattern to it. There are a few different file types
my library but there is nothing consistent about which file types
up and which do not. Perhaps the only pattern is that files that are 
nested inside multiple levels of folders are less likely to appear
the Xbox, but even in the top level folder, files are missing.

Of those missing, can you send the information provided by
gst-discoverer-1.0 -v

You might need to install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps


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