[Rhythmbox-devel] Generating Stack Traces

Hello all!

I am a rhythmbox + debian user, and I try to help you at the bugzilla.
I recently switched to 0.11, and I have submitted a bug without traces
(since I used deb packages, and now I have compiled).

The traces bugbuddy makes are simply debug information gathered when
compiled with -g, or do I have to set other flags at compile time?


Eng. Luís Guilherme Fernandes Pereira

Local Phone: +55 (19) 3386-4246
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"É completamente errado afirmar que o aquecimento global ocasionará
desertificação, savanização ou interrupção natural das florestas. O
aquecimento global fará a floresta crescer, se adensar e multiplicar
sua biodiversidade".
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