Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Source list layout

On 10/22/06, kris <kueyen virgilio it> wrote:

it's the first time I post here, a week ago I did two mockup about
source list, just for fun I also tried to move
song_position_slider/song_title and the search bar.
I don't really know so much about gnome hig but the result doesn't seem
so bad...

and this is the same but with a little bit of cairo gradient...

Viewing those 2 mockups makes me think that, as there are more and
more sources (stores, devices, shares, ...), it could be beneficial to
allocate more space to the source list, granting it the whole left
side of the application and putting the toolbar and position slider on
top of the browser view.

Well, of course the toolbar must stand below the application menu and
that can't really be changed... So, time for implementing a more
complex widget ? Some time ago, I was thinking about foldable panels.
It's out of topic, but here is the mockup I did then (I also have a
working widget, but I did it to learn Gtk custom widget creation, so
it's barely a proof of concept ...)


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