Re: GNOME Productivity release set

On Sat, 2005-06-11 at 15:43 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-06-11 at 14:52 +1000, Martin Sevior wrote:
> > HI Vincent,
> >            You can include AbiWord-2.3.1 as the inaugrial package of the
> > gnome-productivity collection in this release.
> When we discussed this new release set in the board meeting, there was
> some fear that, even without the initial proposal's references to
> OpenOffice, this might not be as inclusive as we like to be. I
> personally think that we can define it in a way that pleases everybody,
> but we need to show that we can do that.
> So I think this release set should not be an official part of GNOME
> 2.12. But if it works outside of GNOME 2.12 (as Platform Bindings did at
> first), without controversy, then I think we'll have shown that it can
> become official for 2.13/2.14, 6 months from now. I think that means
> just listing them on separate wiki pages and linking to them as
> "associated projects on the same schedule".
> At the very least, we need some text to define what this release set is,
> such as we have for the existing 3 sets here:
> And any special guidelines, such as these for Platform Bindings:

Martin, is this acceptable to you, at least for 2.12?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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