Re: Assigned responsibilites, again

<quote who="Vincent Untz">

> > It would be great to choose three people to concentrate on each of the
> > release suites. You're an obvious choice for Bindings. Vincent, would
> > you like to manage the Desktop suite? We need someone for Platform -
> > Jonathan?
> Well, what does it involve to concentrate on a release suite? Wouldn't it
> be more appropriate to list the tasks that we feel are important and find
> someone for each of them?

Yes, we definitely need to do that. A bunch of our tasks will be particular
to the suite, so it would be good to have a 'release manager' for each. Most
of those tasks will be communication oriented.

- Jeff

GNOME Summit 2005: October 10th-12th
        "It's the most fun I've had without the use of a water-based
           lubricant." - Stephen Fry on directing his first film

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