Hello, It's quite possible that I don't know enough about gantt charts and that's what has led to my dilemma but here goes. I'm currently trying to visualize how long our next project will take. I've broken the project down into about twenty tasks that I've entered in to Planner. For the most part, these tasks don't depend on each other; they could be done in any order. The only catch is that they can't be done at the same time (we have a small staff working on this project and they'll basically be taking a task, doing it and then taking another task). Here's an example to maybe make this more clear: Task 1 for Resource A - 4d Task 2 for Resource A - 1d In this case, I'd want planner to represent that these two tasks would take 5 days total. I can't figure out a way to achieve this without saying that task one is a predecessor for task 2 or vice versa. Any insight into this is appreciated in advance. Thanks, Jonathan Campbell |