Re: Planner-list Show weekly dates in the html export

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 08:53:58AM +1300, David Lowe wrote:
> Thanks Maurice - date:month-abbreviation worked perfectly.
> It looks like there is some sort of conditional test in the code to display
> days and weeks differently for projects less than a week long. So, I guess
> it's not a big deal to come up with another format for, say, projects more
> than 4 weeks long. Now that I've started experimenting, I might just keep
> going... I can't write the UI but I might be able to figure out the xml.

Ok, great.

So far the HTML export has always been as close to the representation of
the gantt in Planner itself as possible, so it would be great if the
date formats in the gantt header matched those in Planner. 

The idea was that a user should be able to zoom in and out in Planner
itself and then at any time perform an export to get HTML that
looked the same.

By the way, are you using the latest xsl from subversion?


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Gnome Planner Developer  griffon26 kfk4ever com

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