Re: Planner-list Show weekly dates in the html export

Well I said I was adventurous... I have ALMOST solved my own problem by editing the line in html1_gantt.xsl that begins 'Week' to say this:

Month <xsl:value-of select="date:month-in-year($date)"/>, <xsl:value-of select="date:year($date)"/>

(I guessed at the right syntax.. took me a few guesses!)

That gives me output which is almost OK... except it shows the month number (10 for October) instead of the month name (i.e October or Oct).

Is there an xml command I can use to convert the number to text?


- David

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 3:15 PM, David Lowe <david thistledown co nz> wrote:
Hello - first time poster here. May I add my the congratulations to the devs for a great product.

I was just reading earlier posts about how to edit the xsl files to modify the html output. My XML knowledge is poor, but I am adventurous...

What I want to do is to show the name of the month instead of week number along the top row of the gantt chart. I think this will make it easier for readers to follow a multi-month chart.

I think this should be easy to achieve by editing the xsl - can someone tell me what to edit?


- David

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