Re: [Planner] MrProject problem

Richard Hult wrote:
tor 2003-11-13 klockan 10.49 skrev Sergey Dolgopolov:

Richard Hult wrote:

tor 2003-11-13 klockan 09.47 skrev Sergey Dolgopolov:

Very strange!
I have LANG=ru_RU.KOI8-R and then I open project i not have date!
Then i set LANG=C i see date.
May be you have idea how fix this problem?

I'm not really sure, but the problem seems to related to that specific
encoding (KOI8-R), somehow failing to convert it to UTF-8. I don't have
a clue about where the problem actually is, so I would appreciate any
help to try and find it. In the meantime, you could try running it with
Then i set LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 all menu on English as LANG=C.

Hm, not for me, weird. What OS/dist are you using?
FreeBSD 5.1
MrProject 0.10
Install from ports, also i try install from CVS and can't date in both cases.

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