Re: Moving existing ostree users to a new branch - take 2

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 6:35 AM, Colin Walters <walters verbum org> wrote:
But that aside, I'm more asking about *ref* changes, since if there aren't
any production use cases for changing refs,
we could add a binding.

I guess a potential ref change scenario is renaming a flatpak app.  That's
much more likely to happen
for flatpaks than it would be for ostree-for-host scenario.  Has that come
up yet?

I'm definitely interested in ref changes (within the remote) and
that's why I started these threads.

For our OS we have a stable branch which is slow-moving, rigorously tested, etc.

We are going to add another branch with lesser QA for bleeding edge
hardware support, for the cases where we would otherwise be holding up
production lines etc.

At some point in future, the bleeding edge code will be merged and
released in the stable branch. At that point, we want to redirect all
users of the bleeding edge branch to stable.


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