Re: Moving existing ostree users to a new branch - take 2

On Fri, 2017-05-05 at 13:09 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:

Back to the whole-repo move. Flatpak already has support for updating
some remote metadata semi-automatically. We store metadata fields
called "xa.title" and "xa.default-branch" in the global metadata dict
in the summary, and when you initially add the remote, and when you
"flatpak remote-modify --update-metadata" this is updated, mirrored
similarily named config options in the remote. (xa. is from the old
xdg-app name.)

Flatpak master now supports this. It looks for xa.redirect-url and
xa.gpg-keys and updates these in the local client automatically
whenever you run flatpak update of flatpak install.

gnome-software and similar need to add strategical calls to
flatpak_installation_update_remote_sync() regularly to get the same

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl redhat com            alexander larsson gmail com 
He's an all-American umbrella-wielding inventor in a wheelchair. She's a 
sarcastic red-headed wrestler living homeless in New York's sewers. They 
fight crime! 

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