Re: Adding Avahi and USB drive support to libostree

On Wed, Mar 29, 2017, at 05:16 AM, Philip Withnall wrote:

In the sense that each ref has a different GPG key; or in the sense
that the ref name is a key ID? In either case, commits would need to
support being signed by multiple keys (which I assume they do already
by appending the signature packets in the .sig file?).

While nothing *requires* it, the naming convention established from
the start of ostree for refs encourages being globally unique - this is
*very* different from git, where almost everyone has a `master` branch. 
And the ref name is what's used for downloads/upgrades (by default).
I chose this because:
 - The concept of "master" doesn't make as much sense since it's intended
    to have multiple equally-important branches (e.g. fedora/26/x86_64/atomic-host and 
 - And besides the "content" differentiation, there's CPU architecture in the branch name

Are you suggesting this because of the way flatpak uses OSTree --- one
repository which deduplicates files from various separate applications,
each of which has its own ref, and theoretically is its own security

Right.  And the same for the host OS case - it should never happen
that a flatpak ref is the same as any existing host ref, and all of those
should be distinct from refs generated by e.g. the `atomic` command
importing Docker/OCI images, etc.

That's a valuable use case, but not the one I am trying to address
here. The use case I am trying to address is for updating *without* a
connection to the internet.

OK.  I read back and didn't see this mentioned from the start.
Anyways, I'll be honest, I have very little practical experience with mesh/P2P/decentralized

The "completely disconnected from the Internet" model also occurs
in a primary use case for me, which is servers.  But there, what we've
documented is changing the e.g. /etc/ostree/remotes.d/redhat.conf file.
In the enterprise server case of course, there are sysadmins who are
dedicated to managing configuration like this, *and* it's very typical
to model things as an "intranet" - you still use DNS, TLS (but with
custom CA certs) etc.  So pointing the remote at
works just fine and is expected.

So let me ask this - in the mesh (is there a better/standard word?) case,
what are you doing for *other* applications?  What does e.g. the
web browser app do?   How do you deliver and cache non-OS content?

What prior art is there in other mesh software for problem sets
like naming/identification?  I glanced at
and indeed they seem to have a DNS-like system that's derived
from a public/private key. 

So from that perspective, perhaps then you're down the right path
with identifying remotes via GPG keys.  

But this is going to be a challenge for me to review/co-design because
I basically don't have experience with it.

For example, a machine is initially installed, and has no internet
access. It needs to be regularly updated from a USB stick.

My feeling is that we can deal with this case and the others
you have by: Try to resolve the requested ref in each remote (sorted by
priority, file:// first etc), downloading the commit object, verify signature,
then take the *newest* commit from that set.


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