Adding Avahi and USB drive support to libostree

Hi list,

I’ve been thinking about the best way to upstream the support for
grabbing OSTree updates from the local network and from USB drives
which Endless OS has (in eos-updater[1]). Currently, eos-updater
implements this with some custom polling code for the local network
(looking for well-known DNS-SD records) and USB drives (looking for a
well-known directory in the root of a mount), which derives a URI (HTTP
over LAN; ‘file:’ for USB drives) to pass to ostree_repo_pull() — so
only one URI is ever tried. After that point, everything which happens
is fairly standard OSTree functionality.

I’ve been thinking today about whether we should instead be treating
them like mirrors of the canonical upstream remote. I *think* we could
potentially already implement this by having some external process
generate a local mirrorlist file for each remote, and update it just
before polling for updates. However, this is a bit ugly, prone to
synchronisation problems between the update processes, and would mean
having a daemon in ostree.git (which I know people are against).

Instead, I’m wondering whether libostree could gain explicit support
for finding mirrors using Avahi and monitoring mounts, similarly to how
it can currently resolve metalink and mirrorlist files.

Some requirements we have for this functionality:
 • Remotes can change over time: we want to be able to update a
repository from a USB drive one week, then from the local network the
 • Machines need to be configurable to enable none/some/all of these
remote mirrors.

So for Avahi support, I’d define a DNS-SD record format, and some
repository configuration which would enable it. The format would need
to scale to multiple repositories (for example, if a machine used
OSTree for the OS, and flatpak for apps). Any machines on the local
network which advertise repositories matching the local repository’s
canonical remote URI, would be added as HTTP mirrors. This would
require some server support (at the minimum, an Avahi .service file and
a running OSTree simple HTTP server).

For USB drive support, I’d define some repository configuration which
enables it and specifies which well-known directory to look for in each
mount (for example, check if $mount/.updates-in-here is an OSTree
repository for each $mount point when we do a pull; ‘.updates-in-here’
would be specified in the repository configuration), and adds each of
them as a mirror.

In both cases, requiring GPG verification of the remote would be
essential in any normal situation. All the mirrored content would have
to be signed with the same GPG key as the canonical upstream.




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