[orca-list] Getting the latest visual-studio-code-insiders version for Arch

I have a following issue that I am a bit tired of.
I use visual-studio-code-insiders to get latest changes for Orca and report if something happens. Each time I compile VSCode insiders from AUR and launch it there is notification "Info: there is an available update" even if I have just installed it again with AUR helper a minute ago. I have just checked the latest version on my Mac and desktop computer and found that they are different: on Mac it's 1.72.0 and on Arch it's 1.70.0. I also have issues with some buttons that don't have labels for example in explorer window to create files or folders or in extensions window when trying to manage the installed extension so I really would like to know how to update VSCode.
I use the following AUR package:
and update it with paru aur-helper every day with paru -S visual-studio-code-insiders-bin command.
What could you suggest to get the latest version?
Thank you!

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