Re: [orca-list] How do I get orca running on arch linux

I just checked and for me the package is called orca, not screenreader unlesss that changed in the past few days? For reference, doing pacman -S orca pulled both it and speech-dispatcher in and set them up nicely.

Fwiw, here's the last bit of my .xinitrc. For context. startx looks for a .xinitrc in your home folder, if it can't find that, it goes to the system default one. So assuming you have a .xinitrc in your home folder, you want these two lines at the end of it...

exec orca &
exec mate-session

That should work. Once you've set Orca to autostart with startup apps then you can remove the exec orca & line and do startx again.

Personally I much prefer startx over messing with login managers, to my way of doing things startx is a lot neater and faster.

You can also automate startx after login as well, but personally I don't do that.

Jude DaShiell wrote:
twm may be blocking orca, you may want to uninstall that.  First check for
a package called screen-reader.  If found, that's orca on archlinux.
Next, configure startx so it starts mate.  Next run startx then hit f4
once.  Finally alt+f2 then type screen-reader --replace and increase the
volume on speakers or plug in headphones and see what happens.

On Fri, 28 Jan 2022, pranav techesoterica com wrote:

Hi all,

How do I get  orca running on arch Linux?

I have installed the mate and mate-extra package. I have the xorg, xinit,
xorg-xclock and xterm packages installed. I have also installed twm.

I also installed orca with sudo pacman -S orca
LightDM is also installed.

Having said the above, I seem to be stuck with twm where I am getting a
bunch of messages about missing fonts for character sets despite installing
a bunch of fonts.


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