Re: [orca-list] The LibreOffice's low accessibility

Le 14/01/2022 à 22:33, Vojtech šmiro via orca-list a écrit :

and how is Libreoffice accessible in other platforms? I don't want to go away from linux, but I would like to know, is it accessible in others?

No, it is worse. I think on Windows, the accessibility is less or equal as Linux, but rather less globally. NVDA does a good job, Jaws is terrible on this program.

If yes, it wouldn't be impossible to make it more accessible on linux too.

The technical infrastructure is quite different, anyway. The basic thing to be done is to implement a high non-regression test structure, so that any further dev is not broken by future beginner devs without control, QA and review enough related to accessibility. Hence the TDF's tender. Once done, I think it will be reasonable to invest on improving the code itself, in order to fix the accessibility breaks in the technical tree, etc. I would say the topic is in progress in this community, but as for any accessibility topic, it is needed to go step to step, all the more as most users (this thread is a good example), instead of being verbose against libreoffice, choose alternatives which are not necessarily maintream for non free software users. I am not saying this as a critical, but this fact decreases the knowledge by the community of who may be the target of such proejcts. Because let's be honest: implementing non-reg test and fixing the current situation will be very expensive. So it is needed for TDF or companies working with this to know if it is really for a certain number of persons.

Thanks and take care, Vojta.

Dne 14. 01. 22 v 21:44 Devin Prater via orca-list napsal(a):
Yep, at my job, we wanted to make a form in LibreOffice, and I could not figure out how to do this. It's really frustrating.
Devin Prater
r d t prater gmail com <mailto:r d t prater gmail com>

On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 1:57 PM Jean-Philippe MENGUAL via orca-list <orca-list gnome org <mailto:orca-list gnome org>> wrote:

    Le 14/01/2022 à 20:11, Vsevolod Popov via orca-list a écrit :
     > Hello everyone.
     > Recently, Jean-Philippe Mengual mentioned that LibreOffice has low
     > accessibility.
     > Could you please explain what software from it's collection has
     > accessibility issues and what are they?

    To sum up, I would say that the graphical interfae is globally
    accessible, even if things could be improved in programs such as
    and Calc. However some features are now difficult to use, LO
    some crashes due probably to its interaction with accessibility layer,
    and some advanced features are not quite accessible. Finally, and
    probably the most difficult, in the documents in Writer, while you have
    an access to text, head and fotpage, you don't have an easy access to
    footnote except via the flat review. Access to comments is terrible.
    Access to the collaborative marks is hard. Access to the objects
    such as
    images or insertion of objects is not there. Accessibility in a complex
    document with frames and sections is difficult too. But tables work
    fine. Spell checking works more or less, even if the mispelling is only
    announced if you have the caret on the mispelled word. The dialog has
    improved but still improvements to be done.

     > The reason why I am asking is that I want to switch as completely as
     > possible from Windows to Linux and use LibreOffice Writer for
     > with documents.

    You can, I do everyday.

     > Are these things like formatting the documents with styles
     > like we do in MS Word?

    Styles is the most frustrating feature I know in LO. Because it has
    accessible until 4.2 and experienced a big regression since then.
    for basic styles title 1 to 3, a submenu in Format makes this possible.     But to tweak styles in details, I consider it is a pain. The dialog to     handle numbering of chaptiers is hard too. The same for the Charachters

    The problem comes if you havae advanced needs. However, flat review and     some experience enables you to workaround many accessibility problems,
    but it is not always straightford.

     > Creating contents, headings all that things with documents?

    It is easy until level 3, but after it, it requires a lot of additional
    things to do


     > What accessibility issues can be found?
     > Thank you for any help.
     > --
     > regards,
     > Vsevolod
     > <>
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