[orca-list] Passing keys to guest in virt-manager

Today I installed Qemu and later virt-manager. Initially I wanted to try out qemu without using a virt-manager to test it in console, but I got a thing that I couldn't really understand. I couldn't get if a virtual machine was really running or not, so I decided to try virt-manager out first. I finally could configure everything including network in libvirt and create a VM in virt-manager, it even says that it launches, but one thing I cannot understand is how can I pass keys to guest system? I try to install fedora 34 as a test and when I press alt+f2, the run dialog appears on my arch system but not in guest. I had the same experience with qemu launched from console, I had an empty window and I didn't know if the machine was running or not, I tried to press alt+f2 but I couldn't achieve that the key pressing would be passed to guest.
Maybe I understood something wrong, how should it work?
Is there any key to start/stop capturing keyboard input for qemu/virt-manager like in VirtualBox or VMWare?
Thank you for any help!

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