Re: [orca-list] Passing keys to guest in virt-manager

the best is while starting the virtual machine to go into the menu to display or simular and than go to full screen.
Than activate the menu item called full screen.
The menu closes automatically.
To test, where the mouse is, press the super key. If the host reacts, close the maybe opened start menu. Than try to pull the mouse into the guest. If you hear something like characterfield, in german it is called "Zeichenfeld", your mouse is in the guest machine and only the guest can be controled by your keyboard. By the way: The characterfield word is also shown on a braille display if one works with braille.

Am 07.01.22 um 23:21 schrieb Vsevolod Popov via orca-list:
Today I installed Qemu and later virt-manager. Initially I wanted to try out qemu without using a virt-manager to test it in console, but I got a thing that I couldn't really understand. I couldn't get if a virtual machine was really running or not, so I decided to try virt-manager out first. I finally could configure everything including network in libvirt and create a VM in virt-manager, it even says that it launches, but one thing I cannot understand is how can I pass keys to guest system? I try to install fedora 34 as a test and when I press alt+f2, the run dialog appears on my arch system but not in guest. I had the same experience with qemu launched from console, I had an empty window and I didn't know if the machine was running or not, I tried to press alt+f2 but I couldn't achieve that the key pressing would be passed to guest.
Maybe I understood something wrong, how should it work?
Is there any key to start/stop capturing keyboard input for qemu/virt-manager like in VirtualBox or VMWare?
Thank you for any help!

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