Re: [orca-list] All about Orca

Hi Amy,

On Thu, 3 Feb 2022, Kyle via orca-list wrote:

Most virtual machine software has what is referred to as a bidirectional clipboard, where you can copy from the host OS and paste into the guest, or copy from the guest and paste into the host. But that's pretty roundabout for what it sounds like you're trying to do, and doesn't always work. It would be much easier to just use LibreOffice or possibly a Google doc. Writing a Google doc has the added benefit of being accessible to both the virtual machine and its host at the same time. So you could write most of your document from the main machine and just paste into the same document from in your virtual machine's browser.

I have shared folders set up with my VM. Using VMWare under Windows, I have the Documents folder shared, so that any files that I place in there from either the Windows host or the Linux guest can be seen and read by the other side.

I've not used other virtualisation software, but I'd expect this to be a common feature.

If this is something that you'd like to set up, let us know which virtualisation software you're using and I'm sure someone will be able to tell you how to set this up.


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