Re: [orca-list] Screenreader Accessibility Testers for Ubuntu

Thus spake Devin Prater:
I know its quirks. They've just, in my opinion, gotten worse after Gnome 2, into Gnome 3 and 4, and now even Mate is starting to give way to the age of its Gnome 2 roots (see Chrome-basedĀ apps crashing or when you quit them, Orca is lost).

So are you saying that the Brave crashes I've been experiencing are related in some way to MATE? Although I haven't experienced such a crash in a couple of weeks now, maybe I'll give GNOME another try then just to avoid that, although I seem to have Firefox working a lot better now. I'm currently running the Cinnamon desktop, but it definitely still needs some work before it's fully usable. I think MATE still is the best thing going at this point, but that's because I love love looooooove the GNOME 2 interface, and MATE fixed a lot of its quirks early on, and hopefully things will get better with 1.28 when it gets released. Frankly, you couldn't pay me enough to learn or relearn or whatever these other PC OS's, although as I mentioned in an earlier message, Android, though it misses a lot of functionality I find necessary on my computer, could if it gains that functionality, become the gold standard for a11y on any platform. Although I don't have a touch screen monitor on my computer for example, it could be highly beneficial if that functionality came to at-spi, Orca and the desktop toolkits.


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