Re: [orca-list] a bug when closing chrome orca's focus seembs to get stuck on one window, debug.out attached.

so sorry about that!
it is what happens when you are fasting and sleep deprived...
here's the link :)
sorry for the message with the non link.

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2021 at 6:47 PM
From: "Joanmarie Diggs" <jdiggs igalia com>
To: "majid hussain" <mhussaincov93 gmx com>, orca-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [orca-list] a bug when closing chrome orca's focus seembs to get stuck on one window, 
debug.out attached.

I don't see the link to the debug.out.

On Tue, 2021-05-04 at 17:07 +0200, majid hussain via orca-list wrote:
a bugg,
not sure how to describe, don't worry, a debug.out will be added.
i'm in google-chrome, and I press file menu and exit.
I wate a few minutes, and tab I hear my terminal window and then
nuthing when I try to tab again.
it's like the focus is stuck on the terminal window after google-
chrome is closed.
using google-chrome this issue is reprodusable.
least it has been every time for me.
when orca getts in this rutt, I am unable to use my custom shortcut
key to relaunch orca.
here is a link to the debug.out
stats of current os/software.
running debian sid or unstable.
google chrome unstable.
orca from git/source.
as of yestoday.
I hope this is of help.
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