Re: [orca-list] Update: Upgrading Speech Dispatcher broke my Orca

Howdy Janina,

I had a problem with RHVoice not working with the latest speech-dispatcher. I think maybe something changed 
in spd that has been addressed in the latest RHVoice, but not in the current stable version. I fixed it by 
installing rhvoice-git from the AUR.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 11:11:31AM -0500, Janina Sajka via orca-list wrote:
Hi, Alexander:

Thanks for your continuing support! Specific rhvoice question below ...

Alexander Epaneshnikov writes:
On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 08:45:39AM -0500, Janina Sajka via orca-list wrote:
> As of this morning, after a fresh Orca build from master, I still have
> no speech dispatcher support with the same dbus error on both my
> systems.

sad to heare. how you starting orca?

with startx.

Contents of .xinitrc are:

export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk"
export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge

#exec gnome-session
exec mate-session


I recommend to check sd config files. and either update them or
roll back to factory state.

Yes, I've done that on the older machine, and about to do so on the
newer one, too.

Do I also need to reinstall any part of rhvoice?



> Best,
> Janina

Sincerely, Alexander


Janina Sajka

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