Re: [orca-list] Braille issues was If you are successfully using a desktop environment with Braille please contact me offline.

Hi Joanie

Replying to the entire list this time. :)

Everything seems to be working now. Thanks for thw efert you pu in on this your commitment is truly appreciated.

On Wed, 22 Apr 2020, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:

Hey Jason.

Since I cannot reproduce it yet, and since a little while ago I committed a possibly workaround along with some additional debugging information, it would be super helpful if you could pull the latest from master, reproduce the problem, and capture me a full debug.out.

On 4/22/20 19:29, Jason White via orca-list wrote:
On 4/22/20 2:07 PM, Tom Masterson via orca-list wrote:
I have succeeded in building master and as suspected still have the same braille issues.
For example on my machine running Ubuntu 18.04 and mate 1.,20.1. I can go 
to the main menu with alt-f1 and it will read the top level menus as I 
arrow down until it gets to the "other menu" item.  At that point it will 
speak the name but it does not show on the braille display. There are 
items in submenus where the same thing happens.
This can be reproduced in LibreOffice, Thunderbird, and possibly elsewhere. I can attempt to do so with the latest master version and document steps, if there are any problems reproducing it.
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