[orca-list] Strange delayed image load announcements

Hey folks, not sure how to describe this one, and because of how it works I can't easily capture a debug.out, but hopefully I can give enough steps to trigger a reproduction.

This happens fairly often. I'll be on a site, or have just closed a site, and at random Orca will announce something like:

Finished loading unnamed.jpg: 200x200 pixels scaled 97%. Finished loading.

The image name is always something that might reasonably have loaded recently, but it doesn't necessarily have to correspond with the site I'm currently looking at. Something like the previous was just announced. Sometimes I'll have just read an article, say something about dogs for instance. I'll close the tab, be reading something entirely different, and Orca will announce something like:

Finished loading dog.jpg

That is, when the image name is human-readable, sometimes it reflects a tab I've closed in the past few minutes and not the one I'm currently on. So when the image names *aren't* human-readable, I can't be sure they're from recently closed or currently-open tabs, but it seems like a reasonable conclusion.

Because of how much debug logging Orca spews, I can't easily capture a log. But I'd say it's pretty easily reproduceable with Orca master and Firefox nightly. It's happened for a while, and finally intrigued me enough to ask about it:

1. Open a page in Firefox with a reasonable number of images. A news story from any major site should do.

2. Close the article and hang out in a different tab in Firefox.

3. Wait a few minutes. You don't necessarily have to actively do anything. I was watching a Youtube video when unnamed.jpg paid a visit.

Nothing I'd consider serious, it just happens enough that I finally was curious about it. Thanks for reading.

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