Re: [orca-list] ReactOS

Reactos is really opensource Windows alternative OS. Keep in mind, that MSAA, Oleacc.dll and other libraryes have not been made to be compatible with Windows based screen readers. You can also have problems with sound drivers. It is not real, that Reactos community will implement MSAA ccccompatible mmmmethods and functions. I have debated with Cross over ddeveloper and he told Me, that it is too complex to implement it. May be, that it would be possible to develop screen reader by calling some classic API functions, but you will return to The 90S, when screen readers have randomly crashed, and many apps have not been compatible with screen readers. So if Wine wěill not support some app, Reactos will very probably also not support this app. Rather mix Linux with Wine, but not use Winetricks to download Windows components, you will brak The license of Microsoft Wiiiindows and it is gate to prison.

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