I feel like announcing the deleted character tends to go against every convention because when deleting, you are deleting the character to the right of the cursor. that letter is no longer there, so therefore the screen reader is announcing the next letter to the right of the cursor. Actually I believe that Windows does this as well. At least with most screen readers on Windows
_______________________________________________For a long time I have not used windows, but if my memory still works correctly, when I used an editor in windows and deleted some character, the deleted character was announced by the screen reader.
On 1/30/19 7:40 AM, Milton wrote:
Yes, indeed, sometimes I am confused.
Op 30-01-19 om 09:38 schreef José Vilmar Estácio de Souza:
Hi all.
Orca behaves differently when a character is deleted with delete key or backspace key.
If I press the delete key, orca announces the character that occupied the position of the deleted character. However if I press the backspace, orca announces the deleted character.
It may be that I am wrong, but the return of the orca should not be the same for both operations?
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