Re: [orca-list] Firefox and download pop up

On 1/12/19 11:24 AM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:

Le 12/01/2019 à 16:13, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
Hi Jean-Philippe.

1. Does this problem happen with earlier versions of Orca?

Yes, my git repo is up-to-date with the master version.

What I meant was: Is this behavior you are reporting a regression in
Orca? One way to figure that out is to see if the problem also happens
with stable (non-master) versions of Orca?

2. Does this problem happen with the stable version of Firefox?

I dont know, I try with the nightly. Do you want an additional test?

If it doesn't happen with Firefox stable, then my suggestion would be to
figure out what changed in Firefox: Is it a regression or a new behavior?

As a general rule, it's helpful to have as many hints as possible
regarding when and where a bad behavior was introduced into software.
That makes it faster to figure out where the fix needs to occur and may
even offer some insight as to the nature of the fix needed.


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