Re: [orca-list] Website that shows links across multiple lines

Hi again.

I just took a look at this site. I think Orca is doing the right thing. When you arrow line by line Orca moves you amongst each line of text. (Yeah, I know, Captain Obvious to the rescue!) But the reason I say this is that there is a line of text with "Maintenance" and there is a line of text with "Request." Because those are two separate lines of text with two separate accessible objects, I think they should be treated like two separate lines of text.

But let's for the moment say I'm willing to make an exception: What is the definitive rule which tells me when two lines of text which are made up of two separate accessible objects should treated as if they were one line of text?

If you can come up with such a definitive rule, and if the rest of the community agrees that your rule does indeed make sense, I will try to implement that. My fear, however, is that trying to "fix" this issue for you is going to break the user experience (at least in the minds of some users) for other content. That said, I'm willing to consider the proposal you define to address this.


On 8/6/19 2:05 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
I'll take a look. Thanks!

On 8/5/19 10:02 PM, Andy Borka via orca-list wrote:

Ubuntu 19.04, Mate desktop, Orca master, Firefox 68.

When looking at, some of the links span multiple lines. The more notable ones are maintenance request, download an application, and pay rent online. These links should be on a single line.

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