Re: [orca-list] Anybody tried Fedora 29 yet?

Thanks all for your replies.

Dave - yes Fedora 29 was officially released yesterday.

Majid - I agree it was better when things like username/password were setup during the installer rather than during the initial setup afterwards.

I will download the ISO and give it a spin.



On 31/10/2018 09:04, Majid Hussain wrote:
hi  there master wood,
hope all is well with you.
in regards to your question got the 29 iso ready to go will run it in
vm to be on the safe side, extra security if anything goes wrong.
the thing that really annoys me and I believe most people like
yourself with orca an all after the install of fedora 28, the gnome
setup starts, why not just you know just ask for the required
information while fedora installs?
also accessibility keys fail to function when gnome setup is running.
can you corrilate with me on this?
Majid Hussain

On 31/10/2018, Nick Wood <nick microlitesoftware co uk> wrote:
Hi all,

I will hopefully get chance to try Fedora 29 over the weekend.

Has anyone had chance to give it a spin yet?  Any known issues or nasty
surprises I should be expecting when it comes to Orca or accessibility
in general?

I am still not a massive fan of the new Gnome Control Center - we seem
to have to use flat review a lot more to get to various applets compared
to the old version.



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