Re: [orca-list] Make Task Switcher accessible in KDE Plasma

Howdy Joanie,

lol i had exact the same issue XD.

you need a "KDE Identity" account

this is used on phabricator.

cheers chrys
Zitat von Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>:

It might be the post-conference fatigue, but I don't see a way for me to
create user account so that I can comment directly on the phabricator
issue. Anyhoo.... What Frederik stated as his current thinking sounds
reasonable to me. Hopefully it will just work; if not, I can try to take
a look or answer questions.


On 10/24/18 5:47 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Chrys.

Just to let you (and others) know that I'm at the W3C's TPAC all this
week. I was hoping to find a spare moment to figure out what the best
way forward is in terms of changes to the Plasma task switcher and/or
Orca. That spare moment hasn't arrived yet. It's on my todo list, however.


On 10/22/18 4:13 PM, chrys linux-a11y org wrote:
Howdy List,

i currently have an open task for KDE Plasma to make the task switcher
see here for details:

In mate and gnome this already works. whats the best practice to
implement this?
i assume the issue here is that the task switcher does not "really" have
the focus because its still sitting on the focusd window right?

Joanie, can you lighten me here?
or anyone else an idea?

just as small but nice sidenote:
My patch to make the desktop icons available via AT just lands. so orca
can read now KDE Plasmas desktop icons now.

cheers chrys

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