Re: [orca-list] Editing video

It appears there is no way to toggle the gappless mode by using orca with Pitivi and move clips on a timeline however it's well thought I think, supports all the video formats gstreamer and ffmpeg can handle. Includes a lot of audio editing features. Current UI is GTK+3 and is not likelly to change. As I've said a lot of the controls are already accessible.
Last year one of the GSOC students implemented libpeas based plugin system for pitivi so if the app it self can not easily be improved with accessibility enhancements plugin adding more keyboard shortcuts or alternative track selection and timeline manipulation features might be added.
Also apparently there is a python console plugin that might be usefull for geeks wishing to compensate for accessibility issues that way.

This is all dreaming of course.

Now some more realistic notes:
See this part of Pitivi manual to discover how its main window looks like: . The same content is available as F1 help within the app however there are issues reading webkit gtk based yelp content.
If you would like to get at least some part of the Pitivi useable with orca prepare to use flat review a lot.
Below the header bar there are clip selection controls. Orca can see individual clips as drawing areas with no further content. Thus in order to be able to select a clips import a few media files in the library view. I suggest starting by adding one clip into the project and emulating a click on the first drawing area below the header bar. That should select the clip making Contextual tabs: clip properties, transitions, titles actionable. So if you have access to these features you do know one or more clip is selected.
Naturally if you execute a delete action from the timeline toolbar all the clips are deselected.
So this helped me to figure out my way around the app. I have used space bar to play and stop video preview playback along with emulating clicks on the playback toolbar buttons (since these are not focusable). Playback toolbar also contains a text entry displaying the current play head position. Emulating click on the text entry focuses it and allows editing the time value either as or simple video frames.
Above the timeline toolbar there are loads of icons depending how much clips you do have inside a project. This might also depend on your screen size and clip length. For example I have loaded some 25 minute video clip and I have end up with 12 icons controlling the timeline position and final icon for applying an effect I gues.
I havethen tried choosing some random play head position somewhere in the middle of that clip and splitting the clip into two. Number of timeline icons doubled with two icons to the left, then some kind of drawing area I haven't yet discovered if I can make some good use out of it and 12 icons for timeline positions corresponding with each clip.
By knowing this you might be able to cut out the end of a video or copy part of a video into a new clip.
Cutting out begining or middle part of a video is not possible to do with orca at least I haven't discovered on how to do it. I can Split a clip into two, then delete the clip at the begining of a timeline however I will end up with a bunch of silence at the beginning followed by the second clip. In other words it would be nice to be able to manually align a clip with exact time or video frame position. For example if I know the clip starts at third minute of a timeline and there are no other clips before that I should be able to align the clip to time or frame 0.

And this is all in relation to Pitivi I was able to gather so far.
Now some general notes on how I'm dealing with video files for example by using avidemux.

Of course there are more complex possible scenarios while working with video editing apps however I imagine very few blind people are going to play with this so I have only described some simple cases you can take as your starting point and combine them with a bit of a math and your creativity.
Jump to time, jump to frame, and begin / end range selection commands are my key points when I am working with video files. If good audio preview is not possible I am using audacity in a seperate window with corresponding audio track loaded. Audacity can display time values converted to so called film frames.
Of course I can't do nice clip transitions but I can cut and split videos by using these techniques.
That might be usefull for dealing with some holiday / family event videos or some simple video tutorials for my job.



Dňa 16.05.2018 o 00:26 Andy Borka napísal(a):


I must use a screen reader at all times. I tried openshot with no luck. I tried your advice and also tried pitivi, but with no luck. What I need to do is select sections of vidio, and merge them together with other clips of video to create videos representing a shortened version of the entire event. For instance, a 5K run that took 45 minutes should be clipped down to 15-20 minutes video.

On 05/15/2018 03:41 PM, Peter Vágner wrote:

Hello Andy,

I have just installed openshot. It has a QT based UI. I haven't yet got a chance to load a video file in openshot but from some initial testing it appears it may not be as accessible as pitivi.

Can I please ask a few things?

How much eye sight you have got? Do you need screen reader at all times when working with computers?

Can you give a few hints on how to trim a video in openshot or any other simple action that might allow me to understand better if I can make some use of it too?



Dňa 15.05.2018 o 20:57 Andy Borka napísal(a):

What about openshot? I installed it and it looks good so far.


On 05/15/2018 10:25 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:

A few years ago I have used avidemux to do some simple video cutting, trimming and reencoding of video files. If this is enough for your task you might be able to do the same.
Also I believe you will be able to use some filters such as resize if you know what you are doing.
Of course for filters that include color correction and different video effects you will need a sighted help no matter what editing tool you will end up using.

Today I've just taken a look at pitivi. Although it has a lot of keyboard focusable controls, labelled controls and keyboard shorcuts I think its track selection is not accessible with orca so it will be limited too much for us.
Still I plan to reads its help to possibly discover more.



Dňa May 15, 2018 1:13:32 AM UTC používateľ sonfire11 gmail com napísal:



I have some video projects to finish. Is there an app that lets me edit videos with Orca?


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